Monday, August 4, 2008

Dangerous Threat!

There has been a serious threat from some weird and itchy people who wants to mar my 'tomagogame' name for what it is worth.

As quickly and expedient as I could, quickly registered

Right now as you are reading this faster than I can type, I'm trying to upload a flash file of Shoutout's recent trip to Pulau Redang.

The flash file is 24 megabyte big. For those of you who have big bandwidth, you can read faster before it finish loading...

For the rest of you ( and me ), just wait la....

I could have posted this on but calculatively, if I give 24MB to every visitor to my site.... Die man.

And I really do hope the video works out. It's worth the wait... esspecially those who went for the trip. I GUARANTEE you will watch the video several times after you have downloaded it because

1. You will want to see the many 'facets' of the video clip, and
2. You took the time to sit on your butt waiting for this bloody flash to finish downloading.

It's only half way uploading... So I would assume you have half the time left to wait.

So as the title suggests, the two 'culprits' that post the threat is none other than the yam cha friends... weird weird denial and itchy-here-itchy-there-itchy.

Thank God after the threat, they totally forgot to register this subdomain.... for who knows what they might do imposing as me.

Boy... the download below is taking it's toll. Maybe I should shrunk the pictures more.

Any comments, please make it at tomagogame as this blog will just be a buffer for me. Dang, the power of unlimited bandwidth!

There, it's done (If you have read it as slowly as I've typed)!

I'm sure to get loads of swt from you guys.